Happy Friday! Today I decided to start blogging and sharing ideas with all the lovely teachers out there. I have been slaving in my classroom the past week and can I say "I am tired." This year I decided to go with the safari/jungle theme. It has taken me all summer to put all those ideas into action. I have uploaded a glimpse of what I have done so far. I am still working on the finishing touches!
This is the Reading Center
As you walk into classroom, I have a display wall with bamboo & jungle leaf paper across the entire wall.
Home Center: Made a window to give it a home like feel
Computer Center, group table, and part of the word wall
Curtains were made to match theme and behavior chart on file cabinet was made to match.
Writing Center: Bought animal print baskets to hold all the writing materials.
Side view of the classroom
Made chair covers in different animal prints and carpets to match
Science Center with animal chairs
Better View of some of the Word Wall
Chair Covers and Reading baskets in animal print
Group Time, Listening Center, and Blocks are in baskets on shelf. (ignore the board! Not finished because it will be taken down to install smartboard)
That is the start of my Safari/Jungle theme room. I will post more pictures later when completely done.