Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday's Featured Teacher and Freebie..... Meet Tabitha Savage

Meet Tabitha Savage over at
Number Sense- Don't Leave Elementary Without It!

What do you teach? And where? 
I am an elementary math coach in TN. I work with teachers in grades K-4, assisting them in teaching Common Core State Standards. I absolutely LOVE talking about elementary math all day!

What is one of your favorite memories in the classroom?
One of my favorite memories while in the classroom actually occurred during summer school. For the past 5 years, I've taught summer school at the "Social Skills Academy," a summer camp for children with Autism. This isn't an academic summer school- we focus on building relationships with peers and learning social behavior to assist them during the school year. Its an amazing summer program- everyone walks away a winner!

What was your hardest experience while teaching? How did you overcome it.
My hardest experience in teaching is probably not unlike what other teachers experience as well- the sometimes overwhelming responsibilities  outside of teaching duties. Paperwork, committees, and duties can easily put you in system overload, not to mention take your focus away from your students! I try to remain in balance and remember that I can't be on every committee and stay fully committed to my students. Moderation of outside classroom duties is important! Ask for help when you need it- don't allow your classroom to suffer.

What advice would you give a new teacher or someone switching grade levels?
Write down exactly what you intend to accomplish. During my first few days of teaching, this meant writing down my day in 5 minute blocks- and that's okay! This helped me to think through my plans and keep my first graders productive. I used my notes at the end of the day to reflect- what went well, and what will I change tomorrow? Daily reflection is key in making each lesson better than the previous.

Tabitha would like to offer all followers a 

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