I found this really cool website Storyline Online It has books that are read aloud to students and shows the pictures of the book. The books they have available to watch are:
A Bad Case of Stripes
Enemy Pie
Knots on a Counting Rope
The Night I Followed The Dog
Private I.Guana
Sebastian's Roller Skates
To Be a Drum
Brave Irene
Guji Guji
Me and My Cat
No Mirrors in My Nana's House
The Rainbow Fish
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch
Thanks you, Mr. Falker
White Socks Only
Dad, Are You The Tooth Fairy?
Harry The Dirty Dog
My Rotten Readheaded Older Brother
The Polar Express
Romeaw & Drooliet
Sophie's Masterpiece
When Pigasso Met Mootisse
Wilfrid Gordon Mcdonald Partridge