A really big thank you to Wild about K Kids and K is for Kindergarten for graciously awarding my blog with The Versatile Blogger Award!
These are the rules:
1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they’ve received an award!
And now 7 things about me...
1. I work in the same school and in the same grade level as my best friend.
2. I am getting married June 22, 2012.
3. I live in North Carolina where The NC Zoo is located.
4. I have my motorcycle licenses.
5. I love snowboarding.
6. If I could be anywhere I would choose to be on a beach somewhere topical.
7. I am a perfectionist.
And some really great kindergarten blogs!
13. Growing Kinders
And there you have it!